
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Trade deadline.

Today is probably one of my husbands favorite days. Besides Logan's birthday and OK hopefully our anniversary. But today, well today is the NHL trade deadline day. Which may not be our anniversary but to this hockey loving household pretty much ranks right up there with Christmas morning.

But here is the thing, these past few years. Well the day has just been another day. If you are a fan of the Caps, you know that every year we get our hopes up that there will be this huge big trade. For weeks we sit by and watch rumors, and we hear things and we think well maybe, just maybe this is the year that General Manger George McPhee will wake up and actually do something. Of course you still have those that want the trade, but want to keep every player that we have at the same time. And those of us, well those of us that know how things work. Well, we know that isn't exactly how it works. In order to gain someone, you must be willing to lose someone.

This is besides the point.  This morning we woke knowing it was the day, the day that trades were going to be done and made. Finalized before the end of the season. Yep, it was going to be a good day. At least in some people's and some team's eyes that is.

And how did we fare this year? Did GM McPhee actually do something? Yes, to a point. Erat is finally gone, in his place Chris Brown. Penner  from the Ducks, is now a new Caps. And Nuevy is gone to Bufalo, and Halak is now our second goalie.

I will be honest other than Halak, I know very little about these players. So I can not speak much about it. And what do I think about the Halak deal? Not sure to be honest. Do I think it was the best decision, probably not. I think there could have been some better decisions however do I think it was the worst deals we have ever done. No. I will stand by my judgements of last years Erat pick up for that. But whether Halak and the others will be beneficial and the missing pieces to have the final push through the end of the season will remain to be seen....

And time will tell.

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