
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Goodbye June.

A couple of weeks ago, I looked at the beginning of summer and thought, well its going to be a busy couple of months. Though thankfully it wouldn't start until July.  At that time, it seemed still a million days away. Seriously.

And yet, here I sit just a few hours away from July. June has somehow escaped me. And starting tomorrow I am full speed ahead until the end of the summer...


There is still those same parties I described back in the beginning, with a couple of others thrown in there. A house warming party. My friend who is expecting has found herself in the hospital until pretty much the birth of the baby after complications to the pregnancy. I will now add in a visit or two to see her.

And, vacation in 18 days.

At the moment it can't come fast enough...

Bring on July.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel like June just shot right by! As you know, July is an exciting month for me, too. Lots to look forward to! Have a great month!