
Friday, November 18, 2011

Moving-Five Question Friday-11/18

Happy Friday! These weeks are flying right on by. Time for this weeks installment of the Friday Five.

Topic: Moving

1. When did you last move residence?

Two years ago this past summer. My husband, little man and myself found us moving into our first home. My husband and I had been living in the same apartment complex for  nearly five years. When we had our son we tried hanging in there for awhile but realized just how much space one needs with a kid. And so we finally broke down and bought our first home. As much as I love it, I miss the convenience of not paying for maintenance

2. What song leave you completely unmoved even though it seems everyone else is moved by it?

Anything by Barbara Streisand. More specifically her version of 'My Favorite things.' Its played all the time during the holiday season. And every season I have to hear people call in and rave about it meanwhile I am about ready to scream. That and the Christmas Shoes song. Yep. Those two are about enough to contemplate eliminating all my Christmas stations all together. Two I could dif. live without.

3. On what kinds of mornings is it the easiest to get out of bed and get moving?

Vacation departure day. The day when you know this is the morning you are getting out of town. I love waking up that morning. Even if its at 4 in the morning to catch a flight. Knowing I am not heading into work makes it a thousand times that much easier to get out of bed. Even on regular days the mere thought of getting out of bed at 4 makes me want to cry...

4. What object do you get most annoyed about when people move it without letting you know?

I am left handed. At the office I ordered-which wasn't to easy- left handed scissors. For some reason they always seem to go missing. Since I can't use my right hand, taking them without letting me know annoys me more than anything. For the simple fact that you go try to find lefty scissors. Pretty damn near impossible half the time.

5. In what way are you waiting on someone to make the next move?

Currently sitting here in front of my computer waiting for the kid behind me to finish up his set of the reports so I can learn how to do them....somehow it doesn't look like its going to be any time soon.

topic brought to you by: Friday Five

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