
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Growing up, my older sister and our dad had this agreement, if they ever came across a cabage patch doll with her name on it, he would buy it for her. you see, she has a unique enough name. burgandy. so every time we hit up the toy store, we would make a bee line for the famous dolls and look throuh every single one for the names. luckily for us, we were all females so headin to the doll department was never a big issue. but we still did it.

not surprisingly it never came up.

and even though we are no longer adults, we still do this. every time i go to the store and pass the now, reissued dolls, i look to see if her name is on one of them. i dont know if its more out of habbit or if its because she generally wants one.

so with the holiday season coming up, they have them everywhere. last night while waiting for dinner with Andy's parents we ran into Target.-being pregnant and having to use the restroom more often than not not always fun-and there at Target we pass by the toy section. Of course I had to look and once again, there was no Cabage Patch kid named Burgandy.

But my lovely husband, asked, "isn't there a place you can specifically order them online with her name?"

and by golly there is. i sat in front of my computer last night, astonished. and so tempted.

I really wanted to get her it.
If nothing more than for a good laugh.

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