
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

i know, i am horrible with updating this blog. i know i should do it more often than i actually do. ive just been so.

life has been busy.

my semester is just about done, or at least i tell myself this. i still have a good three weeks to go. but its better than the alternative. the full sixteen weeks. its going, well. its there. it seems as with every semester i have one class i am rocking at and another that i am not. or at least i dont think i am anyhow.

and it is, a lot harder than it used to be, now that i am well into my sixth month of pregnancy.

hows that going?

im getting big. or at least i feel like i am. and baby is doing well. i feel him moving a lot more, which is all together an incredible experience. so thats great news.

and i am getting really excited to meet him....let the countdown begin.

now as i have said before, i am busy.

which reminds me i have a meeting in five. i should get going.

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