
Thursday, October 16, 2014

On the eve of notifications. A #DisneyMP letter.

Image is not her own.
It is feeling a lot like Christmas Eve around the Disney Parks Mom Panel community this morning.  After weeks of waiting and decoding encrypted messages from Gary, it has come down to this. The final 24 hours (more or less) before those pixie-dusted magical emails arrive.

Or not so.

Having been on both sides of those emails, I can assure you I know what everyone is going through at this moment.  I know the emotional roller coaster it plays on you. Right now you are feeling excited, nervous. Perhaps a little scared even. That is perfectly okay. Believe me, I get it. The process is amazing. There are so many great people and so many of us have made some great connections through it. Yes, you want to go through, but you want them to go through to Round 2 just as much.

Are your nerves getting to you yet? Hang in there.

One would think given the fact I have a Moms Panel Fastpass+ I would be a lot calmer. After all I know what is coming; I know I made it on to Round 2. But here is the thing. I am just as excited and anxious to see who will be joining those of us who have the MPFP+ as you are.  I will not lie when I say; it has been a long month and a half wait.

But the wait will all be over tomorrow. For some, the news will be thrilling. For others the news won’t be.  For those joining me through to Round 2, enjoy it. Take it one step at a time. It is a thrilling ride that only gets more exciting with each step. Cherish and relish the fact you have made it this far. Celebrate it.  When I found out last year I was moving on, I sat there in the car shaking for minutes. I had to reread the email to make sure it was correct. I asked my husband to pinch me. It’s a thrilling moment to know you are one step closer. I cannot describe it really any other way except pure excitement.

For those who do not make it, the only thing I can say is to hold on. I know it sounds ridiculously hard to do, but don’t give up. Use this year as a tool for next year’s application. Yes, it may be a whole year away (or really 11 months at this point) but believe me the year will fly. Don’t be disappointed in yourself. I will tell you what I told myself last year (and even blogged about it) you did an amazing thing. You did this for YOU! You began to chase your dream and are working towards going after them. Maybe that didn’t happen right away, or when you thought. But it doesn’t mean they aren’t working. Dreams are funny things, they don’t happen overnight. Be proud of this. Repeat.

So tonight, put on your Disney jammies (because I know you own at least one pair). While you are at, throw them inside out just for extra pixie dust. Grab some hot chocolate in that Cinderella mug. Fill it with extra sprinkles. Dance to “When You Wish Upon a Star.” Dream and wish. Tomorrow will come.

But for tonight, we are all still hopefuls.

Faith, trust and pixie dust to one and all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm on the edge of my seat! I didn't think that after the 8th year applying I woukd still be this excited,nervous, full of emotions. But I am.
This just re-affirms that this process is working, I'm still passionate about applying, put it all out there, spill my soul and all the Pixie Dust I can muster up into my application and wait.
If its a Congratulations I will be over the moon. If it's the dreaded Not this year but thanks, I will be crushed, but I will keep believing,keep moving forward and never look back. I did the best I could do and I have no regrets.
Thank you for helping with the emotions we all feel, thank you for the support, thank you sharing.
Until tomorrow...........