
Friday, September 13, 2013

Five Question Friday-9/13/2013: Ill fitting.

Friday, you have a fantastic way of knowing just when I need you the most....and since its Friday it once again time for another fantastic five question Friday. This weeks theme: ill fitting.

1. What item in your wardrobe do you wish was better-fitting?

Its no secret I lost a lot of weight after my three surgeries. I lost it everywhere.....butt, boobs. I mean its great in a lot of ways, half the women I know are seeming to be on diets. But I never needed it. Anyway, since then half of my clothes fit me odd. Or are too big. Like a dress that I loved but don't quite fit anymore without looking like I am 12 and stepped into my mothers closet to play dress up.

2. What role in a play, musical, or television program would be a terrible fit for you but is still something you wish you could try?

Any role. Seriously I am not an actress to begin with.  Nor can I actually sing worth a lick. Yeah you should really hear me, then again maybe not. But I always like to pretend I am Eponine from Les Miz, because I love the song...and well yeah. I would be horrible but in my living room. I am the greatest Eponine there ever was.

3. Which furnishing in your home clashes most with the others, for whatever reason?

Really I don't know. Most of my furniture matches. However I still do have a rocker from when my son was born in the living room. I loved it so much I couldn't bare the thought of departing from it I suppose.

4. What item in your possession are you using for something other than its intended purpose?

I've been none to use a paperclip as a bobbi pin of some sort....because thats how I roll.

5. What’s something others expect of you that you are just not comfortable with?

Party. I am not a fan of them. They make me uncomfortable, and yet a lot of people I know can do it with such ease.....

And there you have it, may your weekend be beautiful.

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