
Sunday, December 23, 2012

And so it begins...

On a normal Christmas we have the same holiday tradition and routine. Christmas Eve is spent with Anderson, and his side of the family. Either at his parents house or at his brother and sister in laws house. We spend the entire day there usually heading over just before lunch and staying through dinner. On a good year, if everything goes right we then head to my aunt and uncles for a little dessert and quality time with them.  Its usually a draining day, as the running around can often be hectic and exhausting. But its worth it.

On Christmas we now find ourselves doing what every other parent does. In front of our own tree, watching as Logan opens up what he gets from Santa. After everything is opened he goes off and plays while Andy and I exchange. We then get up, head to Ihop and have a quiet breakfast before heading to my parents to enjoy the holidays with my side.

Yes its a very busy two days.

This year, Anderson's parents are going out to Minnesota, leaving on Christmas morning. The festivities where pushed up a day, and we were invited to enjoy the full dinner celebration with my aunt and uncle tomorrow. Meaning that there is one more day of celebration between the families. The holidays got that much longer.

Logan for his part, is enjoying it. Though is quite confused with this whole well when does Santa actually arrive as we are used to heading over to their parents for Christmas Eve...but I suspect that come Tuesday morning he will have the whole thing down to an art. And he will find that this whole extended holiday thing, that much more wonderful.

Until the let down of the fact that its over comes crashing in.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's just the thing--as quickly as Christmas comes around, it's gone even faster!

Have a Merry Christmas, Aleisha!