
Monday, December 19, 2011

End of the semester.

Well I have reached that point in the semester. The point where I just don't care anymore. All I want is for the semester to be over, to not think about cracking open a book or taking another exam. Or in the case of this semester, working on another goup project. At least for another month.

Another words, I really don't give a flying f&!ck.

Yes you heard me I don't. I always think there is something wrong with professors who decide to wait til the week before the holidays to give the finals. As if we don't have enough on our plates during this time of the year they decide to throw this on us as well. I will say I have been lucky, in the past my semesters are done a whole lot sooner than they should be so I probably have no right to complain at all. Still as I am trying to cram the last of the prep time I can get for my presentation tonight I am sitting here thinking something is totally wrong with this. I shouldn't have to be worrying about any of this four days before the holidays.

Maybe I am being a little harsh this year. After all, is not like I am dealing with anything. I have a major surgery to look forward to just two days after Christmas. For the third time. I have things to worry about with that I will be in the hospital. All the good stuff that comes along with it. And I don't necassarily feel like spending a moment of my free time at the moment worrying and dealing with school.

Never the less it will be all done and over with by the time the evening is done.

At least for this semester.

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