
Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Five 10/14-Out of Place

What non-food items are in your refrigerator or freezer?

My son's teething ring. Which is kind of amazing since my son is way past the teething stage. I don't even remember him actually ever using it to be honest. He was never that kind of kid to need it. Why I haven't taken it out is beyond me. I keep meaning to. Really I do. 

What non-book items are on your bookshelves?

I use my bookshelves for the hardback books mainly, but scattered amongst them are pictures of friends and family, an old piggy bank that my great great grandfather made and an occasional set of keys that are plopped on them when we first walk in the door. 

What song or album in your music collection doesn’t fit in with your usual tastes?

I have such a wide range of music love that I don't think there really is a song that doesn't fit my taste. However there was a CD back in high school that I bought, it was a Christian group named Newsboys.  They had this song 'Breakfast in hell.' Yeah I was in love with it, even if I wasn't a huge Christian music fan. Needless to say I still have it, and from time to time find myself throwing on the album, which I still love to this day and jamming...

What item in your wardrobe really doesn’t match anything else?

I had these leather pants they were red and tight. They were pretty awesome. I thought I was the bomb in them. Totally not my every day sort of wear and I haven't so much as put them on in years. But they make for great fun and good times. Not to mention the look on my husbands face when I wore them.

I should pull them out again
What scar on your body did you receive in the unlikeliest of ways?

I have a scar right under my chin. The result of six stitches I received thanks to my older sister. While I was barely out of my toddler stage my mother was allowing her to push me in the front of the cart at a local store. When my sister decided to get cute and pull herself up on the bar, the cart flipped over. I hit my chin and bled all over the place. I don't remember any of it, but I am scared for life from it...

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