
Monday, July 19, 2010

How to Pack Round 2

A while ago, I posted an entry about how to pack with a twelve month old. This was back in February, and my husband and I were first time parent travelers. Lil man at the time was just turning a year, in fact we were celebrating his first birthday down in the world. And up until then we had only traveled, and packed for just the two of us.

We made it through of course, baby food, diapers, formula and all.

But now six months later we don't have a one year old on our hands but a full fledged almost eighteen month old, who seems to be hitting the terrible twos just a bit earlier than his daddy or myself would like. Gone are the formula cans, and most of the baby food. Replaced with real milk and eating off mommy and daddys plates. Which is a bonus, considering we went through numerous amounts of formula while we were there in February.

So of course this leads me to what to pack, for myself, my husband, and our eighteen month old. Most of these things on the list are good for just about anyone so keep this in mind.

-Suntan lotion- I can't stress the importance of this. And I don't care how well you don't need it. You need it. Florida sun is a lot different than wherever you are from
-Sunglasses and hats-Your hand can only cover so much, and who wants a funky tan anyway?
-Clothes obviously.-Do I even need to explain myself on this one?
-Sneakers-Or rather comfy shoes, flip flops may be great for the plane ride but after fourteen hours on concrete?
-Aloe.-you just may need it.
-Aspirin-believe me the rides and the noise can drive anyone bonkers.
-Toys-because while I am sure we are going to be getting him some while we are there, they are great for the plane ride
-Ponchos-if you have ever been down there during the summer, you'll understand this one, if however you haven't believe me you will thank me later.
-Fans-especially the kind that snap on the stroller.
-Those metal drink containers. *IDEA alright* Fill up with water and put in the freezer over night. Carry into the parks with you, this way you can have something to run across your neck to cool you down and as a bonus, it is free water!
-Identifications for everyone.
-Snacky food for lil man, because lets face it, he is a growing boy.
-Walkie talkies/phones-With a group of ten, I think we are going to need some form of communication.
-bandaids/blister relievers-We have learned from experience.
-Personal items-because no matter how much I plan, it never fails that it comes early/late etc...
-Patience-With thousands of guests in each park, this is probably by far the best thing you need to pack. Between tired grown ups, tired kids and family members. Patience runs short all around.

So tomorrow begins our first round of packing while my son is spending the night at my parents...and I know there will be more added to the list as I go. But lets just start from here shall we.

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