
Friday, May 16, 2008

End of the Semester.

after a semester is done, there is those days just afterwards where you sit in front of your computer and wait for that magic grade to appear. and even if you know what your getting you still sit there just waiting anxiously to see it. as if it appearing will make you feel that much better.
but it does.
somehow seeing the grade puts a completion to the semester. a finalization that for the short time between one semester and the next that you can actually breath a bit easier knowing that you passed. im thinking positively here. for it could be the other way around. and if you fail?
well then you wish never to see that grade posted.
as for myself? my psychology professor posted mine yesterday. surprisingly enough, I landed a C+ in it. So I guess you could say he was right. I did better than I think I did.
What about Science?
Havent heard officially yet. my guess would be a C. If I am lucky. My tests werent the strongest in that area either. But I did all the extra credits so I should be in some way shape or form ok.
But its the waiting that is killing. The I need to know. I need to make sure that I passed. Need to get on with it. Its like a damn bandaid. Just rip it off already.
It would probably hurt a lot less than this waiting is.

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