
Friday, September 23, 2011

Five Question Friday-9/23


1. Some friends have invited you over to watch the big game. What do you bring for the snack table?

I would be the one that would bring the healthy stuff, mainly in the form of a veggie or fruit platter...I mean you have to bring something you yourself would enjoy eating right? Well that or my other favorite, which would be pretzels. Veggies and pretzels are probably my weakness...
 2. What do you bring for a potluck lunch at work (or school)?

Turkey casserole.  Chicken is to easy, and everyone brings dessert so why not?

3. It’s a regifting party! Everyone brings some gift they never opened or used and leaves with someone else’s. What do you bring?

A couple years ago my sister got me this snuggy as a joke. While I appreciate it and love it, it still sits in the back of my closet. So next time you see me at the party, you maybe should start running unless you want a snuggy with ANGEL written all over it. And if you happen to be the one to get it, I will apologize in advance. Don't say I didn't warn you.

4. You’re going camping for a long weekend with a bunch of friends. Everybody agrees to bring one thing that others often don’t think to bring. What’s your contribution?

 Toilet paper. Believe me those leaves aren't as friendly as you think they are. And one doesn't learn to appreciate TP until you are stuck in the middle of the woods camping. I was a Girl Scout long enough to learn this first hand.

5. Road trip! The car in which you’re going to spend twenty hours with your closest friends only has a CD player. What do you bring?

So this could be a what CD would you bring-Alanis's Jagged Little Pill, which would be a great girl road trip CD. Or it could mean what would you bring to entertain yourself with. Well headphones, because after that CD about twice over you could always tune it, and any of those annoying friends of your friends that you never really liked out. A question book, there would never be an empty silent moment. And sleeping pills so you can actually sleep the entire way without being bother by those ohh so annoying friends. 

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