
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ever since I was a kid, I have loved music. from the lyrics to the music videos. It's just something I have been in love with forever. And this afternoon, after stepping off the metro for the work day I completed something I have always wanted to do. You see I have always wanted to break out in dance and song in the middle of a subway, a mall in a public place. Anywhere other than my living room floor. Ive gotten the idea because half the time, I watched the videos and shit they could do it, so why not me.

So this afternoon I got off the train, and Good Morning Baltimore started up in my ipod. I took it as the perfect song and the perfect opportunity I started lip syncing, and then added a light step. And before I knew it I was singing and I was a smiling and it just felt so damn good. I didnt care if people were looking at me. Which many of them did. Some people laughed. Some smiled. Most just took me for some weird out of wack teenager.

But I didnt care. For five minutes.
I lived out what I always wanted to do.
Thanks to the Hairspray soundtrack.

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