Houston, we have a problem.
My adorable, sweet loving toddler has gone. In his place is a screaming, sleepless, not willing to take no as an answer go getter.
I miss the sweet little boy.
Andy and I had just settled down for the evening, after a long day of running around. Logan had been down for a couple of hours. The news was on. Its a nightly ritual that we always swear we will stop and never do. It was late enough on a Saturday evening to be in bed, yet early enough that we didn't have to rush falling asleep.
We had
plans. It had been
way to long.
But as usual, we were out within minutes. This was nothing new.
And then, an hour into our sleepful night. My sweet little boy started screaming at the top of his lungs, calling for his daddy. Andy waited though, long enough to make sure it wasn't a false alarm before reluctantly throwing the covers off and heading into his room.
Two hours later, Andy finally crawls back into bed.
Only to be woken up an additional two times. Both of the time, by Logan who apparently wanted nothing to do with sleep. While he may have been calling for Andy, I was sitting there listening to the two talk, and argue back in forth as only a father and a two year old can. I offered to help, but Logan didn't want to have anything to do with me. And so I sat on the sideline feeling useless. It didn't help me sleep any myself.
In the end we did what we always swore we would never do, we put him bed with us, nestled in between us.
Yes, I know roll your eyes if you want. But there are times when as a parent sleep sounds so much better than a night sitting in the rocker, watching
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse until the wee hours of the morning. And you, will often at times do whatever it takes.
Including having a screaming toddler in between you and your love.
Finally he slept, it was for a blissful three hours but at that point we were happy to take it.
Now I had hoped that the three hours would have helped. It didn't. Logan, who is usually a sweet tempered, easy going kid had somehow turned into a stubborn exhausted temper tantrum in the midst of everything kid.
I had never been the kind of parent to wish the day over with.
Until tonight.
When all I wanted to do, was put him down, shut the door and wish for Mr. Sandman to visit my son long enough that mommy and daddy could perhaps get some sleep.
So Houston, if you have seen my sweet little boy, please return him.