Subject of the Week-Reality Television.
1. If you had to be apart of some reality show which would it be?
Considering my love for dancing, I would have to go with So You Think You Can Dance, especially if they paired me up with Dimtry or Pasha from a couple of seasons ago. I mean, hot Russians, awesome dance routines and skimpy outfits! What more could a girl want?
2. What would your challange be on Fear Factor?
I have a huge fear of dogs,-especially German Shephards, Pittbulls and Dobermans which means they would probably find this out and involve them somehow. To what extent I have no idea but I am sure they would find away to totally torture me. I invision me getting chased down by a pack of dogs, it wouldn't be pretty and I can garuantee I would drop out before doing so. Screw the money.
3. Which reality show do you enjoy watching?
Again, see above, So You Think You Can Dance. For the same reasons as above. Perhaps it helps its on during the middle of the summer and there is nothing else new on during the week. Perhaps it doesn't. I just happen to enjoy dancing that much. I admit I never would be good enough to be on the show, and am to old at this point to even try out. But I find myself dancing around the room to it every week!
4. Which reality show would you never be caught dead watching?
Jersey Shore. Haven't watched one episode in my life, and I don't plan on starting. Really are half the kids on their from Jersey? That or the Kardashian show...why do we seem to like to make people famous for no real reason? I have had enough of hearing about either show. So I usually try to avoid either at any cost...
5. What's so fascinating about reality shows anyway?
To be honest I haven't the faintest clue. Though if I had to guess I think we as humans like to make ourselves feel better about our situations. And as long as their is someone else out there gullable enough to go through it, then we are ok. We can look back and say, well at least I am not this way. Sadly with the number of new Reality TV shows that hit the airs every season, its a trend I don't see going anywhere any time soon....
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