
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Its the final countdown

9 days.

I am down to 9 days until the family and I board the plane and head down south for 8 days.It all sounds so glorious. Who doesn't look forward to vacation. No matter how long it is?

Last week I sat there, feeling as though fourteen days was endless, and now I am down to just 9 and while it still feels lke it will never get here, in the back of my mind. I am freaking.

9 days?? Seriously? With a two year old and a full time job, one that takes me two hours one way. Those 9 days don't seem to be nearly enough. Not by a long shot.

Add on to this, we shall be reminded that while we have 9 days we are staying at my in laws that Thursday night before. Meaning we are now down to pretty much 8 days to make sure its all said and done.

  • Haircuts for hubs and lil man's. Mine will have to wait.

  • Pedicure, I bargained for this instead of haircut.

  • Laundry.

  • Pack

  • Turn in the jar of change, exchange for cash.

  • Pay bills.

  • Get the hubs something for anniversary.

  • Including a card.

  • Make sure we have all necassities taken care of.

  • Cancel dental appointments

  • Make sure we have everything for Logan.

  • Stay healthy.

  • Secure home.

  • Cordinate with family for drop off/pick up.

OK so the list seemed a hell of a lot longer in my mind, and there are things on here that in the grand scheme of things really aren't all that important. But with just over a week to go I keep feeling as though there is something I am missing. And the list, whether it is deliberate or not. Seems to be getting longer by the day...

Which means, if I want to get anything done and not be doing my typical last minute run around the house next Wednesday night. I think I better get my booty in gear.


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