Of the five weekdays, which is the easiest to get through?
Fridays are great, but I would have to say Thursdays gets my vote on this one. I love them. You are now more than halfway through the week, and yet still have Fridays and the weekend to look forward to. And during the summer, several tend to take off Fridays for various reasons, leaving Thursdays to become your Friday. Double the score right there.
Which of the five little piggies is the most bizarrely characterized?
The second one, this little piggy stayed home. Because out of all of them, he did absolutely nothing. He did not eat, did not go to the market and did not go wee....Lazy bum more like it. Either that or simply had no life.
Of fire, earth, metal, water, and wood, from which do you draw your power?
Water. Though I really have no real reason to say this...other than I love the ocean.
Haribo Gummy Bears come in five flavors: pineapple (white), strawberry (green), raspberry (red), lemon (yellow) and orange (orange). Which is your favorite?
Orange. I am pretty much obsessed with anything orange flavored. To anyone who has ever shared a bag of anything with me, if you happened to notice the orange flavored gone. Yeah I admit I am guilty. I will not apologize for this.
Which of the five basic tastes (sweetness, sourness, bitterness, saltiness, and savoriness) best describes your personality?
Probably sweetness. I have a hard time being mean and think its a waste of time to do so anyway. I could be bitter but why? I don't think it will get you far in the long run...so I choose to be sweet and simple.
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