A month ago my older sister asked me if she could take Logan for about a week.
It is a thing she does with all of her nephews during her summer break. Since she lives a state away, and doesn't get to see them as often as she would like she feels that taking them for the summer gives her a chance to spend that time that she otherwise doesn't get.
I jumped at the chance. I mean just think of all the things I could get done. The house I can clean, the painting that I need to get to. Laundry. My husband. Yes, that's right. I would have a week to do it all. I could sleep in during the weekend. My husband and I could have a date night without the worry of finding a willing babysitter on the first full weekend of summer.
Yes it was going to be glorious.
And if that wasn't enough, I told myself that this would be good preparation for summer camp. Not that Logan is anywhere near the age to consider this. But these two and a half years have flown by as it is. So I may as well start preparing myself.
I would miss him of course. But it would only be for a week, and I knew that he would be in great hands and have an amazing time. After all he would be with his cousins, and heading to the beach. And since my mother watches him on a regular basis, often staying the night from time to time, it wasn't like he wasn't used to staying with anyone other than Andy and I.
But what I didn't take in account, was just how much I would exactly miss him. How this morning when I woke up fifteen minutes before ten, wishing to hear his laughter in the room. Yes it was wonderful sleeping in that late. When was the last time I had? But it wasn't the same. Not by a long shot. Or how I stare at his room, the empty crib wanting nothing more than to kiss him goodnight and his cute little response of love you mommy.
I miss him. Terribly so.
The laundry, is getting done. The painting is getting done. The house is getting done.
But at the moment I would trade it all to hear my son's pitter patter of his tiny feet..
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