1. Have you ever lived outside your country of birth? Why/Why not?
Sure haven't. I don't know why. There has never been a real need, nor a desire to live somewhere outside of the USA. I would love to go visit but living there is something totally different. I will go as far as saying in the DC area, I am a rare one. I have never lived outside of northern Virginia. In a city that is so transit, I think I am one of the few that was born and raised right here.
That being said, will I ever move out of the area? Who knows.
2. What was your first record/cassette tape/CD?
Not sure of my first cassette, but I am pretty sure I inherited something from my older sister. I do however remember my first CD. It was Paula Abdul's Shut Up and Dance. I didn't even own a CD player at the time, but received it as a birthday gift. I dif remember thinking it was the coolest gift ever.
3. What do you think of your parents?
Besides how much I love them? I think they are probably two of the strongest people I know. Life hasn't always been easy on them, they don't make millions of dollars, don't live the high life that many dream about. But they don't complain about it. They have stuck by each other, and stood by one another through the good, the bad and the ugly. They are the kind of people and the kind of marriage that I try to aspire to in my own marriage with my husband.
4. What is your relationship with your hair?
Growing up I was the brunnette of the three of us, I hated it. I don't think anyone is ever really truly happy with what they were born with. But now as an adult, I really love the rich deep color it brings. I wish it wasn't so freezy. I love the fact it has natural waviness/curl to it, but wish that it was a little thicker....I think the happiest I have ever been with it was when I was pregnant.
5. What kind of pens do you like?
Truthfully, those damn RSVP's that Pentel make. I could pretty much own a thousand of those. I have always just liked the way they write. But of course it has to be in black ink. I have never liked the blue ink in anything.
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