I have to give it to the single mothers out there. For there are times when I don't know how you do it.
With my husband busy with the Caps, it was my weekend to play super mom to my son. I got lucky enough to have my sister watch Logan while I went to the game on Friday night, my only oppurtunity to get out this weekend. Turned out I would need it. For bright and early Saturday morning Andy went off back to DC were he would spend the rest of the weekend.
Everything was great up until after nap, when I swear he woke up on the wrong side of the crib. And somehow he went from my sweet baby boy, to the full fledged two year old he is soon to become. Cranky, pitching a fit, not eating everything is mine. He screamed at the top of his lungs for his daddy, who obviously seemed to be able to do so much better at this than I could. And he would not take no for an answer.
When I finally managed to get him calmed down enough, we went off playing, being goofy, reading, watching Mickey Mouse Club house. We colored, we had lunch. Changed another diaper..and when all was said and done, it was time for a nap.
Or so his mommy would think. Logan on the other hand, was not about to miss a moment of the precious day and decided to fight it all the way.
Thankfully, driving him around in my husband's protege seemed to help and while I had to do it, it also seemed a bit ridiculous to do so. Now usually, my husband has been around to help. If I need a moment I am able to step out and take it, the same goes for him. But this solo parenting thing isn't as easy as one would like to think it is.
The nap, short lived as it was seemed to help just a bit and he was home if not a happy camper entirely, at least a little bit in a better mood. And we danced around the living room until daddy would return.
By Saturday night when my husband came in I was ready for the well deserved bath I had waiting for me, knowing that Sunday would be round 2. I would need my rest.
And once again on Sunday, my little boy was not a happy camper. Though not as much as on Saturday but still quite exhausting none the less, we ran, we colored we changed diapers and outfits. We had lunch with my mom, watched some football-yes I know how amazing its football!-we changed another diaper, gave him some snacks.
It was all really exhausting.
Don't get me wrong I love doing this. Its the greatest thing in the world, and dif. the most rewarding. But this was the first time since May that I had been on my own for an entire weekend. No tag team help. No second hand to help with the diapers and the meltdowns.Even Logan seemed to notice that daddy wasn't around. Making him scream for him that much more. I tried to explain daddy was at work, but to a one and a half year old, the whole working on weekends thing, doesn't quite fly over with him. I guess its going to take for all of us to get used to the hockey schedule again. The long weekends when he isn't around. This time though I was more than happy to see he went down without so much as having to put him in the car for a nap.
No one was happier to see my husband that I was when he walked in the door last night. And as he walked over to give our son a hug, and I walked up to the bath once more. I tried to remind myself that several thousands of women, and men do this on a regular basis.
So I had no room to talk.
But I still don't know how they do it.
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