So welcome to October. Or rather one of my favorite months of the year. That's right, I said it. And because to many, they will sit back and think, but you hate the cold. And they would be right, because I detest the cold. But lets not forget that October, isn't all that cold. Yet. And while it means the days get shorter, it does present us with some great positives as well.
Which means I know present ten reasons why I love this time of the year. None of which are in any specific order.
1. The gorgeous colors
2. Sweaters and toe socks
3. Hot Chocolate nights
4. The holidays are that much closer.
5. Hockey-its the beginning of another season people. Need I say more.
6. The first fire wood smells.
7. The amazing photo opportunities it calls for.
8. Apple Cider.
9. Finding those perfect boots again.
10. Chilly mornings that make you want to stay in bed.
So while yes I may be in mourning for my long summer days that I so eagerly look forward to. As I put away my shorts, and flip flops, my heart breaks. I know it will be a good long while til I can once again wear them comfortably. Still I can't deny how much I look forward to the wonderful month of October. To the gorgeous season we call autumn, and to the next few months of sweater wearing.
Happy Fall to one and all!
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