Its summer and it has arrived.
Now we all knew it would. As it often does this time every year. But this year, it seems to have come on that much faster. A little over a week and a half ago we were sitting somewhere in the 70's. It was nice we had spent weeks in the 60's. And then we woke up and within a day, it went from low 70's to mid 90's. Just like that. There was no warning, or even a happy medium. It went from warm, to blazing hot.
Hard to believe considering it seems like yesterday we were complaining of it being cold, dealing with a ten hour commute and wishing for summer to return.
And now its here. And what are people wishing for?
That's right. It seems if you are in the DC area you are not happy with whatever weather you in. If its cold, you want the heat. If its hot, you want the cold. No wonder half the politicians can't get along. Think about it, they are just as fickle as the residents of the area.
But as for I, who hates the cold. I welcome this weather. I love the feel of the sun on my skin, love the fact I don't have to carry a coat, a hat and mittens all over the place. Love the fact I am not running from my car to the store because it is unbearably cold. Yes it is hot, yes it is at times horribly so. But at least we aren't fighting ice and wind and snow.
And while the others will complain, the only thing I will complain about is that summer is often to short, to fleeting and the winter really is just around the corner. The thought, as it often does depresses me.
Which is why I try not to think about this. Focus on this. Instead I will enjoy the sun. I will stand out on my non smoke break and bake in the sun. And I will say:
Bring it on.
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