Its a rare occasion that I stop to think about my relationships outside of my marriage. Especially when it comes to my sisters. Sure I love them, the way that most sisters love one another. I assume I am not the only one when I say that it is at often times a relationship that has its ups and downs. And often taken for granted.
But after this weekend, when I was a bridesmaid for one of my best friends wedding, I walked away with a better appreciation, a greater love for my sisters. While I don't want to get into great detail, out of respect for the Bride I will just say that she lost her sister by the end of the weekends events. When the sister/Maid of Honor decided to tell her the night before the wedding that she shouldn't be marrying her now husband. What soon played out was a series of events. Of fights, and name calling and of pure moments of bitchiness. I watched as though I was having an out of body experience, as if I wasn't in the room but above it. I didn't know what to do. There are things that most bridesmaids are prepared for. Crying brides. Crying fathers. Wedding day jitters. But never do they prepare you for this. For World Wars among family members. Among sisters.
I watched as the relationship between the two fell apart. I knew there would be no going back for either one of them. And as the Maid of Honor left for the final time, throwing the dress out of the window as she did so I silently thanked the lord for giving me the sisters I have.
Sure our relationship at times has its ups and downs. We fight, we get pissed off at one another and don't want to talk for awhile. But never in a million years would they do such a thing as start a war so deep that it splits the family. Especially not on my wedding day. They would not stand there and tell me on the night before I was to get married that my husband was what this woman was calling him. They would not wish me ill and wish for me to choke on my cake as I heard. And they would not ruin the very day that was to be my own.
I know this without a doubt.
I sent a message to both of them after the event, making sure they knew this. I wanted to give them hugs, but was on my way back and had no way of doing so virtually. I know they aren't perfect and I am sure we will piss each other off.
But I am pretty sure my friend would trade my sisters with her sister any day.
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