But a full grown out toddler.
Believe me this thought makes his mommy a little sad. (And ok, maybe beginning to feel the certain itch again)
And whether I am fully ready for it or not, his birthday will be here before I know it. Which leads me to this question.
To through him a party or not.
I have had several people inform me that in fact a party is in order. Invite some friends, have a good time. But Logan is not in daycare, the kids in the neighborhood are all quite a few years older than him, and neither one of my husbands, or mine have kids yet. Leaving only family. Cousins, grandparents that sort of deal.
Do we still through a party?
I admit I tried last year, it wasn't going to be anything grand. It was just going to be a family gathering, much as I suspect this years will be. And then the blizzard hit, and all my plans went down the drain. Leaving us not able to celebrate until almost two weeks after his official turning of one.
Originally our plan was always to hold family parties until he was 3 or 4. Until he got the concept of opening gifts, and parties and all. There will be years of presents and screaming kids filled with excitement so what is a few years without such things going to hurt?
But then I wonder if I wait, am I depriving my kid of something? By not throwing my son a party, am I being lazy?
Or does it matter in the long run?
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