Two days ago, Andy informed me I have tickets to tonight's Caps vs. Canucks game. Catching me off guard I found myself scrambling for someone to go with. Of course, two days isn't a lot of notice for anyone. I should know, I am a mom. But then again, it was the weekend, and someone was bound to be able to go. Its not like it was exactly last minute.
And so my quest to find someone began.
There was a time when two days was plenty of notice. Pre-baby and pre full time work. Back then, all my husband had to do was say you want them, I would jump at the chance. There was no scrambling to find a sitter, and my friends, would be glad to dump whatever they were doing to accompany me as well. If nothing more, the tickets were free, so even if they weren't exactly into hockey. It was something to do, and free.
Believe me the word free spoke volumes with several people.
Of course this was back when there was little responsibilities on either part. The after games were spent at IHOP writing terrible poetry and talking about the game.
But sadly these days, have come and gone. Now, getting tickets means I have to arrange for someone to watch Logan, who is still a little to young to go. The friends that once jumped at the chance, have now found full time jobs themselves. And while none of my girlfriends have kids of their own, they have lives. Boyfriends, husbands, weddings to plan. Etc.
Truth be told, its no longer easy to coordinate doing anything with any one anymore. Whether its a hockey game, or just a night out. Its simply not easy to coordinate it. If I am free, they aren't. If they are free, I am not. Not to mention, that while none of them have kid(s) I do. And while I love my son, having him as a tag-a-long, wasn't exactly apart of their plans when they asked if I wanted to get together. They understand of course, and usually say nothing about it. But I still feel that guilt over it.
So when my husband offered me the tickets Wednesday night, I scrambled. My mom thankfully offered to watch Logan so mommy could have a night out. Which was lovely but didn't resolve my who to take issue. My mom, being a hockey fan herself of course was now out of the picture to go, since she was watching my son.
If only I had more time. I cursed my husband for the lack of notice. After all he has had these tickets since well before the season started. You would have thought....
Still I sat there flipping through my list of contacts yesterday in a scramble trying to find anyone to go with. I mean someone had to be able to go right? There is no way in hell that everyone was busy. Right?
Wrong. By 5 pm last night it was clear. Not one of my friends could go. Not only where they busy, but it was a three day weekend-well for most of them anyway-which meant, they were heading out of town, spending it cleaning or hanging out with their significant others.
None of which I could blame them for. Given the chance, I would do the same.
Of course they all apologized and said if they had known sooner they would have, that 48 hours was not enough time for them to figure things out, that they were already busy. And to keep them in mind for the next go around. And that we should get together some time. They leave it up to me to figure out what is the best time, since it apparent to them that I am the one with the busy schedule. And the son, and the husband who works for the NHL.
I hang up with each and everyone of them, promising I will get back to them, yet not knowing exactly when that would be. Because they are right about one thing. I am busy. I do have a son and a husband who works for the NHL. I work full time and go to school at night.
Yes I am busy.
But something tells me I am not the only one. Who after all was the one that required 48 hours notice?
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