
Monday, November 3, 2014

Day Three: I am thankful for the hubs.

You think I would forget my husband? I am thankful for my husband. It is hard to believe thirteen years ago I found myself parking at a local mall and making my way to meet a guy off the internet, having no idea that when I did, I would be meeting my future husband. Back then I truly just thought it would be a lot of fun to do something that no one really expected me to do.
But here we are, nearly thirteen and a half years later. 8 years of marriage, a kid and well? What can I say that I haven’t already said?

We have been through a lot in those several years. The road to happiness is not always an easy one. Bumps, hills and valleys are expected in every relationship. But somehow we have managed to weather it out and stick side by side.  Yes we have.

I can’t imagine a better guy for our son, you have done a lot in raising him and for that alone I will forever be thankful for. You are a great father I hope you realize this. Not too many other guys will sit through the same episode of SpongeBob because it is his son’s favorite episode and still find something to laugh about as if it is the first time you have seen it.
And then there was 2011. It was a pretty harsh year for me. And despite my three emergency surgeries somehow he managed to hold it all in as though nothing was wrong, he wasn’t scared and had everything under control. Even when he was halfway across the country traveling with the Washington Capitals he still somehow managed to make it back to me in time to be there for a good chunk of recovery in the hospital. Believe me I do not think I would have been nearly as strong had he not been there in some form or another.

But I am most thankful for his ability to accept me for who I am. And he encourages me to be the very best that I can be, even when I am struggling to find the courage to do so myself.  He stands by me in every challenge I take on. He encourages me to continue to believe in me, to be the best me no matter what. He puts up with my endless pursuit of becoming a Disney Parks Moms Panel, and  sits in silence as he listens to me go on and on about it.

Yes he is a good guy.

And for that I am forever thankful for him.

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