
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Day 15: Thankful for a good book.

I am a book nerd. I live for them. I devour them and then realize I could go back and do it all over again.

Yes I love to read.

And today I am thankful for a good book. This may sound strange as how many people do you know actually find themselves thankful for a good book.

But here is the thing, to me there is nothing like a good book, a warm drink in my hand and my imagination to take me away. 

I love when they can suck me in. I love when they can make me want so much more and leaves me with the desire for the story to continue. Yes I am one of those that finds that good book and wish for it to not end. I crave more often.

Yes. I am thankful for the ability to read.

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