And it was quite the success. 9
bouncy and happy five year olds-and a couple of almost 10 year old cousins-came,
ate and bowled, and left in a sugar filled comatose. Sure maybe a kid or two that responded didn’t
show up, or backed out last minute but I can’t think of a time, that doesn’t
happen. And in all honesty, 9 was a
perfect number for the age. I don’t think he could have handled many more.
I owe a big thank you to my
parents, my mom for handling a lot of the up top portions, getting things together
and making sure juices were poured and stuff as I was not feeling well. And my
dad, for being on the lanes and helping the kids bowl. Of course it helps my dad is a bowler. I grew
up in bowling alleys and he spends a lot of his free time there on
leagues. But yes, I owe them so much for
their help here.
After as we were on our way home,
he mentioned how it was over until next year. A fact that made him a little
sad, but he also totally understood. And maybe it is bad of me, but I kind of
took a deep breath. Yes, it was. Don’t get me wrong, I love my son, he is the
light of my life and my reason for doing what I do on a daily basis. But he did
have quite the epic 5 year birthday. A trip to Disney, a birthday bash
celebration at the happiest place on Earth. And the birthday party this
weekend. The kid has definitely been in heaven lately. It has also been exhausting, even if he doesn’t
want to admit it himself; the kid has asked to go to bed at 6:30 the past
several nights. Believe me this never happens anymore.
He also made it clear- in only the
way he can- that he knows this won’t happen every year. And he is totally ok with that. Though he wouldn’t object either. And he is
already scheming for next year. Seeing that it is 51 weeks away he figures he
has plenty of time to figure out what to do next.
And after the whirlwind and the
excitement of this birthday, well I better start planning. Seeing that this
year is going to be pretty hard to top.
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