
Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Sunday before.

Three days.

That is it. That is all I have to make it through and we are on the road. And yet, those three days just my kill me. So to speak.

It is always this way before vacation, whether it be a short long weekend, a long one or simply a day off. The week before pretty much seems like it is never ending.

And lets not even mention all the things I feel I need to get done, the packing, making sure we order cupcakes for someone's birthday party the weekend after we get back. I had at one point thought about making them. But lets be honest here we get back three days before his party, there is no way my mind will be on baking mode by this point. I played it safe. Call me a bad mommy if you will.

There is school to go to, papers to read. Weather to check on. There is hotel reservations and ADRs grabbed. And work to go to. It is the week before when I begin to think we should have really taken the full week off rather than the actually time I am going to be down

I have no worries things won't get done. I know in the end they will. Thursday morning will be here soon enough and we will be hitting the road for the long drive to FL with a very excited and hopefully surprised little man.

But on this Sunday night before, it can not get here soon enough.

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