
Friday, December 27, 2013

A very merry little holiday

Turns out, we all had been very good this year. And this holiday was a very merry little one. Little man seemed to be exceptionally good as he got his first big boy game system in the form of a 2DS. Yes he was pretty thrilled with it. Santa of course did not seem to think game systems was all he needed, and that he needed some actual play toys as under the tree, Transformers, Power Rangers and Lego sets were also left.

Yes he was very very happy.

As for Andy and I, we seemed to actually do well with one another and both were very excited to see what we had. I am thrilled with my sweaters, that fit and I actually like. And Anderson was surprised with his Dickens Village house that I managed to score. Yes. It was a very good holiday indeed.

We are enjoying the time off spending it between family, and friends. It has been super nice.

I know this isn't much of a post, I had a lot of things to write, blog about and get to. But I find being off, and spending time with Logan seems to be more important at the moment....

I hope you all had a very merry holiday yourself. Now time to start thinking about those New Years resolutions....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You all certainly had a great holiday! Happy New Year!