
Monday, November 4, 2013

Happy 60th birthday mom!

November means its the beginning of the birthday bash in my family, my sisters was Saturday. Today, my mom turned 60. She may cringe at the thought but I see her as the same mom that she was growing up. In fact I doubt she has aged. OK, well her hair has gotten a rich gorgeous shade of silver. But other than that, she hasn't.

I am known for my lengthy blog post regarding my family, around my family. But I will try to keep it short and sweet tonight and just say, my mom is the single greatest woman I have ever had the privileged of knowing. She has raised three daughters so different in personality and yet managed to make sure we were OK with this, and reminded us on a daily basis that just because we are different doesn't mean that's a bad thing. She has taught me to be comfortable with who I am.

She is the first person to offer help when you need it. Just last week, she stopped by my house on Halloween after my son realized we hadn't decorated, nor gotten a pumpkin for the holiday. We came home to a fully decorated house and a pumpkin to carve. She just asked we enjoy. But that is the kind of person she is. She brings meals to neighbor when sick, gave out soda to Seniors on her bus when she drove and still watches my son on a daily basis because she loves her grandson's so much. Believe me, I couldn't do a lot of things, I couldn't be the person I am without her.

So on this evening, on er 60th birthday, I want to wish her a very happy birthday. I hope she knows how much I love, admire, respect and dream of being half the mother she is.

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