Laugh but I was asked this very question on a application. I sat there and thought. I didn't know. OK I take that back I did. But what was hard is cramming everything I wanted to say in 100 words or less.
OK. Go.
Good luck. But this did make me pause. I scribbled a thousand things down, before erasing and starting over. I wondered if everything I wanted, and needed to say fit into the word constraint. Yes I get that is exactly why they wanted it, to see what you could do. But out of all the questions I could answer.
Why did this one catch me.
Here's why. You see I have never really given much thought of who I am, a mom. A wife. A disneyholic. A hockey nut. But to put it down in writing. Funny what we think we know about ourselves.
Or how little.
It came together, it did. I figured it all out.
And in the process, well I found I am a whole lot more than 100 words could ever describe.
I'm so bad with questions like these. I want to sound modest, not like I'm trying too hard to impress or worse, full of myself! The Aleisha I've come to know is sweet, a great mom, Disney fan and fellow lover of the great sport of hockey! :)
You just summed me up fairly well. And accurate to boot! I am all of the above.
Interesting! I think I would have had a really hard time writing about myself in 100 words too. :O
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