1. Where in the theater do you like to sit when you’re at the movies?
Usually somewhere right in the middle of the theater. As long as we get there in plenty of time we should have no problem in this. However with a four year old now, when we take him to see the movies we let him pick out the seats, which to no surprise is right up front. Talk about a major neck cramp...
2. What characteristics does the ideal movie companion have?
I tend to like a little over everything, well minus bloody vampire and horror flicks. But my husband loves them, so I think you have to be willing to have an open mind, to be willing to say well no this isn't my favorite, but if its something that you want to watch then hey. I also think someone who won't criticize every dumb thing or talk through the entire thing...
3. What memory do you have of things not going quite as usual at the movies?
I used to work at the movie theaters. Back during the Blair Witch project we actually did have a lot of people getting sick on us. It was quite disgusting to have to clean the whole thing up. That and cleaning up messes from couples who um, yeah did the deed while they were there and did not clean up including condoms. Yes it does happen.....
That and I had a guy who used to work with us (and ironically dated my sister) get let go due to drug abuse. A couple of days later he came into the theater with a gun and was getting violent. All I remember was one minute I was tearing tickets the next a guy (who also dated my sister) flew across the concession stand and covered me.....I must say it was rather scary..nothing happened thank the lord as security handled it, still...
4. What are your feelings about commercials and movie previews playing before the film you’re there to see?
Funny I used to enjoy previews but considering the last movie I saw was with that 4 year old and there were 7 previews and a half an hour long I couldn't help but find them annoying. Maybe they need to cut back on them, especially at a kids movie where they tend to loose interest in things amazingly fast...stick to short, two or three. Then get on to the real reason we are there.
5. Who is an actor or director whose involvement in a film is enough to make you want to see it?
The female in me will not lie and say anything with Ryan Gosling, because umm who wouldn't want to stare at him for two hours? Seriously. Other than that, Drew Barrymore because I simply adore her and think she is so likable...
And there you have it. As mentioned I will be out on leave the next few Fridays, which means there may or may not be a Friday Five.
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