Its no secret that I am a fan of the Backstreet Boys, OK to some yes, because I am reaching the oh my god you still like them stage in my life. Of course at the same time I can also now claim I have liked them for the better part of half my life,-the thought really does scare the shit out of me. A) because they have been around that long. And B) because I am now at that point in my life, and I mean seriously this as not supposed to happen. Ever.
That being said, this does give me the right to still continue to follow them. And because I still do I was more than a little excited when they announced they would be coming around on tour again. And more than a little disappointed when I found out they weren't going to be coming to the DC area. OK, heartbroken was more like it. I hated knowing they were going to be out there and I would be missing it. But hey, if they wouldn't come to me, maybe I would go to them. I have after all done it before and its not like they weren't worth it. Believe me they are.
Still I admit I sort of hated the fact DC was all together forgotten about.
But as luck would have it, a new announcement came via the radio yesterday. Of course they just said a huge concert announcement and didn't name the band, but the moment they said it was going to be huge, I knew it was them. And so my heart leaped with joy. They heard my cry, along with I am sure others...I immediately texted my BSB fanatic in crime, asking if she was interested. I mean how could we not go. These were our boys we are talking about. The boys we have spent half our lives with. I was going to get tickets one way or the other. Her reply came with a $ sign saying she didn't have that much, and how much did they cost. I didn't know. But this did not bother me. I am more concerned with actually going than the price of the ticket. Or having to buy hers. Besides, friends have each others back.
But I understood her reasoning's as well. Money is tight everywhere these days, and its not always easy to just accept the offer. Still I was determined to figure a way out to get her to say yes.
It would come this morning.
While Anderson and I commuted into work. I flipped on the pop channel and listened for the time they were going to give away tickets, and a special meet and greet. My fingers were ready to dial and at 7:27 I began to dial only to be told it was not a call in but a text. I hung up, and sent in my text.
Nothing. Well that's a big surprise.
I turned it off. I didn't really want to hear who had won. I flipped to the station I listen to with my son. Its up and coming, pop without the rap. FreshFM. I cringe just a little bit because I am once again reminded I am now in the demographic of mom stations. But they have a daily quiz contest, I enjoy it. And I play along. Afterwards they announce they too have tickets. A half an hour from now. And despite my two hour commute I pray I am in the car when they ask for it.
Turns out. I am.
At 8:09 they ask for caller #9. Wait. Caller #9? That's pretty impossible. But I dialed anyway. I had to try. Busy. My husband shrugged, I said once more. And the phone begins to ring, and ring and ring. The next thing I know they are taking my name and congratulating me.
Problem solved.
Now the question remains, do I even want to know how close I can get with actual tickets? Or be happy with the free ones I won?
That's pretty awesome! Congrats on your win! Have a great time. :)
PS: don't worry about your age. I recently discovered in a car ride with my MIL that she, too, listens to BSB. Ha!
Thats kind of awesome!!! I love it. And thank you...I know I shouldn't its still kind of shocking.
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