
Friday, May 4, 2012

Five Question Friday-5/4-Take out.

TGIF! My friends. Yes we have come to the beloved day already. Hard to believe. And so once again I present my five question Fridays. This week theme is-take out.

 1. What was the last thing you took out of your microwave oven?

Today's lunch which was soup. And I will be totally honest here and say its one of my favorite things to eat. A good bowl of chicken noodle soup on a wet soggy afternoon like this is love.

2. What was the last thing you took out of the washing machine?

With playoffs in full swing now, I am constantly wearing anything Caps related. Which means I am rewashing them. I wanna say the last thing I took out was my Holtby and Laich t-shirts. Yep probably.

3. What was the last thing you took out of the trunk of your automobile?

A book. Which had been in there forever and I kept promising myself to go get it, except I totally forgot until I saw it. After half a year of sitting there, I finally got around to reading it.

4. What was the last thing you took out of your mouth?

A pretzel, only after I stuffed my mouth with to much. TMI?? Yes probably. I will leave it at that.

5. What was the last thing you took out of an envelope?

A bill...yes it was super exciting indeed....

And there you have it. My Friday five. Have a super dee duper weekend.

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