
Friday, April 13, 2012

Five question Friday-Random 4/13

Happy Friday!

Yes thats right we have obviously made it through another week. Yea go us. This week there is no specific theme, just five random questions. Enjoy!

1.  Have you ever eaten a crayon?

Umm nope sure can't say that I have. Though Logan would probably tell you that would be awesome if I did. Sorry kid to disappoint you, mommy has never eaten a crayon herself.

2. Whats the last sporting event you watched?

This should not surprise anyone-and if it does, where have you been-but the Stanley Cup playoffs kicked off last night for us Cap fans. Which means yes I did watch game one against the Bruins. Yes we lost. But hey its only game one right??

3. Last person's house you where in?

Other than my own? The in-laws. My brother and sister in law bought a new house this past weekend. We went over there yesterday to check it out. Beautiful house, they did good for themselves. Which is great. I am thrilled for them. Rather large, I don't think I would know what to do with all that space.

4. Do you have a tan?

Oh how I want to laugh out loud at this question, because yea. Tanning and me do not mix. Not for the lack of trying mind you. Its just no matter what I do, tanning and I=epic fail right there...

5. What is your heritage?

On my moms side I am English, Irish and Blackfoot Indian which growing up I always thought was super cool, knowing that I had a great grandfather named Dangerfield....well as long as it wasn't that Dangerfield that is.

So there you have it.

Now go and have a very random sort of weekend my friends.

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