
Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Five. 1/13-Type...

Happy Friday once again. I swear these weeks are flying right on we go again, time once again for another Friday five!

This weeks theme: Type.

What’s a decorative font you really like?

I really like Lucidia handwritting. I love to use it when I creative write, and write as if I am actually handwriting a letter. Its just reminds me if it was my own handwritting. I don't know there is just something about the font that I really love.

MS Word uses Times New Roman as the default plain font; Apple Pages uses Helvetica. Is there a plain font you like better?

Arial. I don't exactly know why I prefer this font but for some reason I do. Who knows. But it is probably one of my favorite fonts. Again don't ask. Just go with it.

In words per minute, how fast do you type? (if you Google “check your typing speed” or something like that, you’ll find many online options for testing yourself)

I just clocked myself at 65 words a minute, which may not exactly seem horribly fast but when you consider I type with only one hand well then it doesn't seem so bad. I think the fastest I was clocked was at about 80 a minute. I used to do typing contests back during the one year at college where I would race against kids that could type with two hands. I am proud to say I wiped quite a few of their butts.

Who in your life is just your type, but for some reason not romantically compatible with you?

Brooks Laich....totally my type of guy. But doesn't know I exsist. (Sad face) and lets not forget the fact that I am already married so, yeah totally not happening anytime soon.

What’s your blood type?

I am O postive. Apparently, this is the best type to be. Though I don't exactly know why.

Questions provided by Friday Five

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