
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Puck the elf...

Puck seeing if the shoe fits!
Meet Puck. Our Elf.

He came into the family about a year ago thanks in part to my mother in law who picked it up for Logan just after Thanksgiving of 10'.  At the time I had barely heard of the concept of Elf on the Shelf, in all honesty I thought it was this new concept. It was cute I guess. I pulled him out of the box, showed it to Logan and let him name the 'newest member' of the family. He appropriately named him Puck. Being the hockey family we are, it fit.

I have a confession. I didn't do much with Puck last year. In fact I don't think we even moved him as we were instructed to. I mean Logan was not even two, I know the whole point was to hide and seek the elf every night. But at one? How much hiding could one really do? Besides while he named him, Puck was quickly abandoned and forgotten about. 

Yes I was a bad elf parent.

Somehow however, Puck didn't seem to be all that upset for he returned to us once more this season, ready to keep an eye on our little man and report back to Santa like a good little elf is supposed to.  And this year, I vowed to move him, to be the good elf parent I was instructed to be and pay him attention and make sure that Logan would follow.
Looks like someone was hungry.

 And so from the get go I laid him out and began moving him a round the house. This was easy, this was simple. I could do this. I mean how hard could it be to hide an elf? Except as I got on Facebook, in early December I began to see that this whole Elf thing, wasn't for a novice. Soon pictures started popping out left and right of friends and their resident elfs. 'Drinking' and dancing. And being naughty. Kids would wake up to find their elves had gotten into candy, or tried on a Barbie shoe. 

Wait a minute??? You mean you actually had to get creative? What happened to this little hide and go seek?  Obviously I was way behind in this whole Elf on the Shelf thing. As the days got closer to the second week of December more and more friends were posting pictures of their Elfs, some of them where far beyond G rating. And as each friend posted  photos of their elf, it occurred to me, who was this really for? It seemed more and more adults where having fun with it over their kids.  As if that wasn't enough, on yahoo that afternoon a whole article devoted to 100 ideas to to do with your Elf on the Shelf. Seriously?? I quickly skimmed through the ideas, which ranged anywhere from creating a bed for your elf, to recreating the North Pole in the freezer for your elf and wondered what kind of person has enough time to come up with this stuff? I barely have enough time to make sure 'Puck' is moved much less trying to make an igloo for him. 

Of course that being said, guess who made sure she 'fed' Puck that night....and guess who woke early the next morning to a 'Mommy, Puck's eating my food!'

OK point taken.

1 comment:

Cori H. said...

I'm amazed at some of the Elf on the Shelf shenanigans people have posted. Crazy stuff!