On this Thanksgiving evening I am sitting here in my home after a day spent with my in-laws. As we were coming in, I thought about the things I was thankful for, everything I had in my life. And so I thought about sharing the things I am thankful for this year. They are as followes, in no particular order.
1. My life:
This may not seem like a big thing, I mean after all everyone should be. But this year has been a hard year for me. It was also the year that I found myself in the ER not once but twice. I ended up having two emergency surgeries and was told if I had not come in as early as I had, things could have been totally different.
2. My husband:
After such recent events one would think this may not be something I am thankful for. But believe it or not I am. More than ever. Because I have a husband who is willing to listen and continues to try, and is willing to try to better the relationship that we have. He is also one of the most loving fathers. And I am so lucky to have him in my life.
3. My son:
Who has become my everything. How little did I know three years ago just how much I would fall in love with it. The joy that he brings to life. I am so thankful for the gift of a son. May his lessons continue to teach me something new every day.
4. My job:
I may complain a lot about it, I may go through periods where I don't want to work think its the most horrible job in the world. But when all is said and done, and at the end of the day I realized that I have a job, and right now, most people would be thrilled at this. Even with a two and a half hour commute..
5. My parents:
This goes on the same sort of lines as my son and husband. My parents have been there through the surgeries, they have been there through everything. And they watch my son on a weekly basis without taking money or asking for much in return. They watch him during hockey games and date nights, and while I am in class. It simply amazes me how much they are generosity. Without them I am lost.
6. My writing
It may not take me anywhere, but I enjoy it. I love sitting behind the computer and creating something. I am thankful for the ability to think. Perhaps in the years to come this will become more than just a passion...
And so from me to you. Happy Thanksgiving. May it remind you of the things that you are thankful for as well.
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