Have a fabulous weekend to one and all!
This weeks topic: Repellent
What’s something you enjoy eating that many others would be grossed-out by?
I am not that much of an adventurous eater. Thanks in part to several food allergies. One of those things is dairy. As a kid my mom would have to figure something else out to put in my cereal. The solution, orange juice. Apparently it must have been pretty good because I ate it without complaining for awhile.
Amazingly I have hated orange juice for the longest time...I can't stand even the thought of it now and days. Just the image of Coco Krispies and orange juice is enough to make me shutter...
But I guess at the time, there was really no other option. And being a kid, mixing weird things isn't so unusual.
Which of your personal traits is most likely to make others want to avoid you?
I tend to bite my nails. Especially during hockey season. Its a trait I have been forever trying to get rid of. I break the habit and let the grow and they look fabulous..until they all break off and then I tend to just say screw it, the Caps are playing and their you go...
But its a work in progress and a trait I hope to eventually get rid of for the long run.
If you could wear a bracelet that had the power to keep certain kinds of people away from you, what kind of people would you repel?
Ignorant people. The ones that think so highly of themselves that they aren't willing to give any one else the time of day. The ones that think so mighty of themselves that they are just rude and obnoxious to everyone. Yeah those sort of people I could do without. And yes I have run into quite a few. I don't think it matters where you come from, I am pretty sure you could name at least one person like this.
We are all capable of overcoming our biases, of course, but what’s a physical trait (in others) that pretty much turns you off?
Someone who doesn't take care of their teeth. I know not everyone can afford to go to the dentist every six months. I am lucky I can. But I would like to think everyone can afford a toothbrush and toothpaste. I hate to say I pretty much cringe when I see those around me not take care of them as they should...in the long run you take care of them now, it saves you a hell of a lot in the future.
When you feel a case of the blues coming on, what do you do to fend off the bad feelings?
Open up my Itunes, turn off the TV and dance around the living room. Usually I blast 90's pop for some reason and throw myself a dance party.I don't care if my neighbors see me, if my husband walks in on me and catches me...I just dance.Seriously, its one of my favorite things to do.
Topic By: Friday5.org
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