
Friday, September 9, 2011

Five Question Fridays-9/9

Theme: Sleep Deprivation
Thanks to:

1. When your having trouble staying awake, what are some things you do to make sure don't drift off to sleep?

It usually depends on where I am at. I found myself in this situation constantly when I was expecting with my son. At work, it was the hardest thing for me not to drift off for just a few moments, and it was so tempting. It has carried over even two years later. I try to get up and walk around, run my hand through some cold water, and get some caffeine. If I am on metro, I usually just let it slide and fall asleep. I realize not everything works and sometimes a good hour nap is all I need.

2. Whats most likely to cause you a prolonged period of not enough sleep?

Thoughts...I like to write. No, love to. Secretly I aspire to be the next great author. From time to time I will get these great inspirations, or sentences. And for the rest of the night, I toss and turn until I eventually get up and write them down. There have been a many nights, and weeks where it has happened for several nights in a row. I used to ignore it. Now I try to sleep with a pen and paper by my bed. Just in case. Since I don't think we can necessarily choose when inspiration hits.

3. When your going through a prolonged period of not enough sleep, what party of your daily routine are likely to change? How?

I had to admit it, but I don't wash my face as well as I probably should. I know its horrible. I get that. But sometimes the bed just seems to inviting and so a quick scrub will just have to do. That and the fact that I tend to forget the simplest things when I am sleep deprived. Flossing, making sure my son has his teeth brushed. I really don't think I am the only one that tends to put off the small things like this though. Again, at times the bed is just to important not to hit it.

4. Who in your life seems regularly to have not enough sleep?

My husband. Especially during hockey season. Getting up, and getting in late after working the games plays with him. Especially come the end of the season.

5. In what ways does your personality change when you go through a prolonged period of not enough sleep?

I get a lot more cranky, and often times just would rather be left alone than bothered. And I tend to get real emotional, cry often, that sort of thing.

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