When did you get your first cell phone?
August of 2001. Two days after I got lost trying to find my way to the mall. And I was to see Janet Jackson that night in DC. I know, I laugh now thinking how on the world could a girl get lost going to the mall? But I had just gotten my license and thought I could find my way without a map, this was pre-GPS time...looking back I get a kick out of it. Considering I was able to find both grandparents houses, which are about as far off the beaten path as you can get . It was after this my parents decided maybe this whole cell phone idea wasn't such a bad idea after all...which is why I was the first one in the family to get one.
August of 2001. Two days after I got lost trying to find my way to the mall. And I was to see Janet Jackson that night in DC. I know, I laugh now thinking how on the world could a girl get lost going to the mall? But I had just gotten my license and thought I could find my way without a map, this was pre-GPS time...looking back I get a kick out of it. Considering I was able to find both grandparents houses, which are about as far off the beaten path as you can get . It was after this my parents decided maybe this whole cell phone idea wasn't such a bad idea after all...which is why I was the first one in the family to get one.
How old were you at the time?
I was 21. And yes you read this right, I had just gotten my license. No this was not a mistake, I just got it about five years after I should have...But hey, I bought my first car before I got my license so I think this deserves some kind of credit.
Wasn't this five about cell phones, and not cars?
What type of phone was it?
Nokia, they were all the rave back then. I think it was actually one of the few back then. Can't remember the model, but it was one that you could change the faceplate. I was thrilled when my mom pitched in to get me one that lights up. Oh yeah I was hip alright
What type of phone do you have now?
Samsung Fascinate? Loved it when I first got it, mainly cus I thought hey this whole smartphone thing is totally awesome. But I have replaced it once and continue to have issues with it, so come spring, I will more in likely be getting rid of it...
Do you prefer calling or texting/mailing?
I think it depends on whom it is...a classmate, dif. text, my husband, family and friends, always calling is better. Besides I could go on and on and there is only so much to space to write. And mailing, I will do for the most part.
But as do I have a favorite, umm probably not..