1. Vow renewal ceremonies-yay or nay?
Yes! But I think people don't take them serious enough these days, I wouldn't necessarily do it for just any anniversary but for a major one, say twenty years or more sure why not. I think to many people are abusing the renew the vows on their 2nd, 3rd anniversaries.Why not save it for something big? Besides if you do it so early in the marriage I don't see it as anything special.
2. What sound/s annoy you the most?
The fax machine, which at the moment in the office still goes through dial-up. The screeching beep is enough to give me an 8 hour headache for the better part of the day. And why we still have the dial up here is beyond my comprehension, this is after all 2011.
3. If you had to pick, would you have only all boys, or only all girls for kids?
Hmm do I have to pick? I think I am blessed to get whatever I have. But considering I have son at the moment, and I absolutely love him to pieces right now, I guess I would have to say boys now wouldn't I? Besides I have a funny feeling the girls would bring a lot of drama into the house...
4. Do you believe in alternative medicine?
Yes, I think if you can get the help you need then why not. I would like to think everyone is given a chance, and if that means going out side the norm to do so than so be it. Whatever works for you.
5. Would you take a family members children and raise them if they needed it?
Yes. Family sticks together, and god forbid something were to ever happen to my sisters and my nephews needed something or someone to be there for them, I would step up to the plate. That is what families do. Besides, I don't know if I could deal with the thought of not seeing them again. Would it be hard, yes....but I would like to think if the roll was reversed they would do the same.
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