1. What is your favorite type of food? (Mexican, Italian, etc)
American. I have to say I am not very adventurous when it comes to food. I like my things simple and basic. I think I could eat Chicken/Turkey along with rice and veggies til the cow comes home. Nothing fancy.
2. What is the name of your favorite restaurant?
Logan's Steakhouse for dinner. Yorkie's for lunch. I will even say I get the same thing every time I am there.
3. Do you like fast food?
Umm do you classify Subway as fast food. If so yes, if no. Then no. Not at all.
4. Do you prefer to be alone or with a group when eating out?
Usually when I am at work or during school nights, leave me alone. I would rather eat by myself. Reading my book or studying. But I have to say, I would much rather eat with my family than by myself. As for a group, to many and I feel overwhelmed. The introvert in me begins to freak if its more than I can handle.
5. Do the waiters/waitresses know you by name at your favorite restaurant.
You bet! Not only that but they know our orders as well. Well at least at Yorkies, the waitresses know my entire family by name, and have since day one. They have pretty much adopted my son as their nephew and grandson, and we exchange cards and Christmas gifts...its quite very cool to have them as our extended family. As for Logan's not exactly sure but they know us well enough to be friendly and all. Again it is all very cool to be able to walk into a restaurant and know they know your name. Its like having your very own Cheers moment.
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