Its confession time.
I am a caffeine junkie. I like my sodas, I like my sweet teas. Yes I know they aren't healthy for me. Yes I know the root my teeth, cause tooth aches and will supposedly pack on the pounds in years to come.
And you know what?
I don't really care.
I was reading an article this afternoon, informing me of snacks that I think are healthy that aren't. I sat there skimming-because do I really want to know?- about how pretzels are horrible for me. How I will die an early death if I continue to drink sodas, and how I should stay away from that veggie burger because I am probably better off just ordering that juicy fatty beef burger. Again I will repeat, in a lot of ways I don't really care.
Because two weeks from now I am going to be reading that apples aren't great for me, or that flavored water is horrible. Don't believe me, just give it some time. Or rather, Google it. I am sure somewhere, someone has written about it. Because it seems as though anymore, anything is bad for me. And isn't life already a struggle enough as it is, do I really need to determine I need to cut this out as well? No I don't think so. Lets not mention the fact that I am allergic to dairy, beef, pork, oils, and just about everything else you can think of. I eat half the time plain, bland foods. And I like it this way. I can't indulge in thousands of sweets at the end of the night, and on the occasion that I do, its the best dessert around. I could care less even that it has thousands of calories and to many grams of fat to mention. I enjoy it, I consume it because I want to..because I like it.
And because, considering all my allergies, I think I deserve to have a guilty pleasure. Seriously, you try my allergy diet, it has to be pretty healthy as it is. I could only imagine what I would waste away to if I gave up my sodas as well.
Should I cut back? Probably. I crave it just as much as my husband used to crave his cigarettes.
Now I admit lately, I have been doing just that, cutting back that is. But I don't think I need to be told this. I know its unhealthy for me. I know that I may live to regret it one day. And I will give you full disclosure to sit there and laugh at me and tell me 'I told you so.' When the time comes of course.
Until then, I will go on enjoying my caffeine filled, pretzel loving ways. Thank you very much.
Phew. I think I need a drink.
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