
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A week out.

A week later, life goes on. Andy shaved off his playoff beard with two minutes left in the game. Obviously bummed neither of us spoke much about the playoffs. Not for awhile. We needed time to let things absorb.

Here is the funny thing. When it comes to the end of the season, it stings. It hurts. Neither of us really know what to do. But this only lasts for a day or so. After that?

Well after that we realized just how much more time we now had on our hands. The bathroom actually got painted. We went out, as a family. Had dinner together. Went shopping. Saw family together that in the past several months hadn't seen us. At least not together. And despite our departure in the hockey world. We realized life goes on. Really it does.

Its these first few weeks after the end, that life is wonderful. We are once again happy. Andy actually seems to pay attention to us, and to things a little more. We smile, we laugh and the entire stress of the past nine months has evaporated.

Its really lovely in these weeks.

I know it won't last long. The summer often flies by way to fast. And once more I will lose my husband to the sport once again. But for now all I am thinking about is summer, blowing bubbles with Logan in the sun and my husband.

And the life we have.
Which for these few months, isn't as bad as it seems.

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