Now I admit, the thought of going back to work brought a few mixed emotions.
On one hand, I was thrilled at the idea of getting out of the house of doing something other than sleeping. And of course there is the whole issue of being paid. Which, yeah would be really good right about now. No offense to my mom and dad, who have been taking rather good care of me while my husband has been off traveling with the team. But after a certain age, many of us can only stay with any one of our family members for so long before we want to get away. I am no exception to the rule.
So yes, I was more than a little ready to start getting back into the swing of things. Start getting back into the pattern of things here and there that needed to be done.
And yet at the same time?
I am still not driving, and won't be cleared to do so until the end of March. And I am still not able to pick anything up over ten pounds. Not the greatest news when one has a now two year old on her hands, and her husband has decided to travel with the team. And while I want to get back to work, there is a part of me that really enjoyed being with my son, even if I couldn't exactly hold him or do much of anything. The time together was great. It reminded me a lot of being on maternity leave, those precious weeks that flew by in the matter of an eye. It was just as hard to leave my son this go around as it was the last.
Still I managed to make it in, back to work. And I was excited to start back. Until...
The entire family decided to catch a virus and has given it to me. My first week back and I am struggling to make it through. And since I can't exactly call in-lack of sick leave-the only thing I can do is push through it. The best I can.
And hope that next week is a hell of a lot better.
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