Dear Caps-
So I feel like I have bitched enough at you guys lately that I should redeem myself in several emails. This is my second.
I mean really, congratulations for winning the winter classic, though by the way the media and all played it out you would think it was more like the seventh game in the playoffs rather than a normal game, mid season when the only thing the winner takes home is two points, and the knowledge that they beat the other team on an outdoor stadium. Which lets face it, would have probably been true, but we are talking about Pittsburgh here. Beating them, whether its a regular season game or a Stanley cup playoff round feels pretty damn good right about now.
I sat there in my sisters living room Saturday night, a sister who mind you us more of a hurricane fan than a Caps fan-but this will not be mentioned-rolling my eyes through the pregame talk about just how wonderful the Pens are feeling like they were pretty one sided. I mean granted the game was being held in Pittsburgh, so in the respect I guess it should be somewhat. But this was to the point where I had to walk away. I can only handle so much Crosby love before feeling the need to vomit. And when the game began, and the Pens scored first. My first thought was. Well shit.
Seriously it was.
In fact my mom was getting rather pissed once more at my lack of believing, as was my husband. I admit it was getting ugly again. But come on, I just couldn't stand listening to Pens are fabulous, pens are so much better. Crosby is the good guy, Ovi is the bad. So I took my moms advice from a while ago and walked away. Tuned it out and talked to my sister. About anything other than the game.
And then we tied it. And I could breathe once again. Sure it was only tied, but my mind set of I just want to be blown out had to be better than the alternative. And then I watched as we scored again, and I moved to the edge of my seat holding on while they-as in commentators here-moved from how freaking wonderful the pens where to just how bad the ice was. And no they did not give you any more credit, because they started making excuses on why Fluery wasn't exactly making those saves.
It was all rather. Pathetic.
And as I watched, as you guys, you band of brothers battled it out, fought the elements, the horrible weather, the bad ice to take a three to one lead and held it. You guys were playing hard. You were out playing them. YOU were the better team. I realized how much I am proud of you, how much I am proud to call myself a fan. Even if you didn't win how proud I was going to be anyway. I mean you could have backed down, you could have done what the commentators wanted and given the game to the home team. But you didn't. We didn't.
So thank you.
And when the final buzzer went off, it took me to realize what we had just done.
We had won the Winter Classic. Maybe it isn't exactly the Stanley Cup, maybe you weren't standing there holding a silver cup over your head. (Yet) But it was the winter classic.
And damn did it feel amazing.
Though I am pretty sure, they will be gunning for your heads come February. For this moment, for this weekend, it doesn't matter. This moment, this weekend is yours.
Own it. Cherish it.
Before they seek blood.
With love
A devoted& proud fan.
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