So as I have said, I have found myself fully emerged into the planning of it. Not the easiest of tasks considering its pretty much two weeks away, and this has all been thought of in the past twenty four hours. Easy no, but not impossible. After all, I managed to pull off my wedding.
And thankfully. I am not alone. The internet has become my friend for the past two days, and the search engine has taken on an incredible task of looking up theme ideas, and cake ideas and anything that I can think of involving Toy Story 3. And I was pleasantly surprised by the results.
For instance how cute are these:
(image and recipe can be found at:
A little overboard? Maybe but I did happen to think they were really cool. So much so that I am determined to see if I can recreate them this weekend. I realize this whole party is for a two year old. Another reason to totally not go over the top, because I promised myself I would not in a million years be one of those mothers. You know the ones that do it to impress everyone out there.
But lets be realistic. No matter how much I promised, in a lot of ways I want to impress. I want them to be wowed even. I feel as though I need to prove myself here, as a good mom. As a good wife. As a good something or other. Considering the circumstances, you would understand.
And lets not forget that he never got the whole one year party thanks in part to a massive blizzard last year. So why not go a little overboard?
Besides, you only two once right?
Which means, this weekend I will go in full force. Become superwoman and bake bake bake. In hopes that I will make one special little boy have the best 2nd birthday ever!
Wish me luck.
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